Never ever try to copy the logo of any other firm. This makes your brand look like much of a pirated version of something. Let your creative buds in the brain workout, and design a new thing for you, which will be unique and better than any other logo you get to see. Research after the fact, that what service or product you offer, and then design a good logo based on the same. Uniqueness of the logo is very vital to survive in the competitive business world too.
Nothing Suffices Simplicity:
Rather than using those fancy effects, fonts, designs, try to settle down with the simple designs. Gone is the retro time, when everything had such a hype about it. People have shifted back to the flat designs, simple designs, that just solve the purpose as smoothly, quickly, and feasibly. So, basically, design something that is just simple, easy to understand by everyone, and trust me, simple designs are easier to design too, and work even better.
Reject Stock Images:
Like we talked about the uniqueness, using stock images will kill the uniqueness out of your logo. Do not prefer to use stock images, instead, try to design something like it, if you feel like there is no way out left. Stock images are used everywhere around, so better it will be, to use something new, and keep it unique. The redundancy is removed, and you get a hold of any DMCA or copyright issues, if they come up in the future.
Using Raster Images:
You should not be using raster images, or the images made of pixels. You don’t know when you might need to get your logo printed somewhere on a big banner or hoarding, and in that case, the quality of the print will become worse. So, better it is to choose and settle for the vector images. They are a little hard to design, but will solve the purpose wonderfully, and you won’t need to worry about the pixelating fact anymore.
Information to Include:
A lot of people when designing a logo confuse themselves with the fact that a logo and a banner is separate. A banner is something that should have your motto, taglines etc., but your logo is just a small pictorial representative of your organization. Keep a logo as simple and small as possible to achieve the best logo design possible.
Do let us know what do you think about the points I have mentioned above. We will be more happy to know your suggestions in the comments section.