3 Crucial Steps to Creating Your Website

Are you overwhelmed at how to begin creating your website? There are thousands of options when it comes to creating your website and it can be difficult to decide which step comes first. Here are three crucial steps that should not be overlooked:

Choose a Domain Name


Choosing a domain name is perhaps the most crucial step in website creation because this is what people will associate the most with your online business. Your web domain is the name of your online address. For example, “Google.com” is Google’s domain name.

Your domain name should be catchy and easy to remember, but perhaps more importantly it should automatically explain your business. It does not have to be the exact name of your business (in fact, sometimes that will not be an option if the domain name is already taken), although this is typically the best thing to do. So, choose a name that is similar to your business name, but has more to do with what you do than what your exact name is. If your organization’s name is self explanatory or if you have heavily branded your organization name, the best option may in fact be your exact organization name.

Subscribe to Web Hosting

Without web hosting service, your website will not be “live” on the internet. The web host uses a special computer that puts your website out there when people search for it. Your web hosting service does not have to be fancy. Think of it as a commuter car: it doesn’t have to be fancy – it just has to get you there. A good rule of thumb is if you don’t understand the options you’re being offered, then you don’t need them.

Build your Site

Once you have chosen a domain name and have a web host, you are ready to build your site. There are many ways to go about this step. You can hire a professional web designer to create it for you, you can do it yourself from scratch, or you can use a website builder. Each option has its benefits, it just depends on how much time and money you want to spend. Obviously, hiring a professional is going to cost you the most. Doing it yourself will probably take the most time. Using a website builder with templates and easy step-by-step instructions might give you the most basic look, but it will probably be the most efficient option. Many website builders are free.

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