There are many free and premium bio box plugins for wordpress are available. But in this post we will be going to compile a list of free author bio Plugins for WordPress only. Now let’s have a look at top 7 best free author bio plugins for wordpress.
Fancier Author Box:
Fancier author box is an awesome wordpress author bio box plugin. It is a tabbed author bio box plugin that let you customize it according to your need. You can show your latest posts by the help of this author bio box. You are allowed to show the author bio box below, above or both above and below the posts by the help of this author bio box plugin. You can also add your profile links in the author bio box. It also allows you to choose the number of latest posts to show in the latest post tab.
WP Biographia:
Another author bio box plugin loaded with many amazing option. WP Biographia let you control almost everything related to author boxes. You can show the author bio box on homepage, category pages, archive pages, posts and other pages. You can also exclude the author bio box from selected posts, pages or categories. You are also allowed to exclude users by role. You can customize the background color, border properties and box color according to your need.
Social Author Bio:
As the name suggest, this plugin allows you to add social media icons to your author bio box. This author bio box plugin will also help you to integrate Google+ authorship. You are allowed to use shortcodes to show the social media icons. You can adjust the size of images in bio box by the help of this plugin.
Custom About Author:
Another awesome plugin in this list of author bio plugins for wordpress. This plugin allows you to show author bio box on home page, single post, single page, archive page and category pages. You can add social links along with your own customized media icons.
WP About Author:
This is relatively simpler and easier to use author bio plugin than other Author Bio plugins mentioned in this list. You can change color for your bio box, you are also allowed to choose the position (below or above the post content) of bio box. You can show author bio box on archive pages, RSS feeds, search results single posts etc.
Better Author Bio:
This author bio box plugin lets you control the position of bio box on your blog’s posts and pages. You can remove the gravatar by the help of this plugin. It also allows you to show the number of post you have written.
Author Box with Different Description:
As the name suggests, this plugin lets you put different author bio for different posts. This is an useful plugin if you have guest bloggers with more than one post. This plugin allows you to add social media icons in your bio box. It also shows total no. of posts written by an author.