Top 10 Best URL Shorteners

Internet is huge. According to the recent surveys and studies, the number of web pages on the Internet, is so much more than the total population of all the 200+ countries combined. The vast topics, the amazing money making, and a lot of other factors has made Internet to be the hub of almost everything today. Down the memory lane, when the Internet was just used in government and private offices to manage records, today, the Internet is a personal addiction.

Every website has its unique address. And with millions of website online, do you really feel, that you can remember the full address? Or, when you are giving your website’s address to someone, will he be able to remember it all? The answer is a No. Coming to the rescue are the URL shortener. URL shortening is a cool technique by which your website url of 25 characters is compressed to a mere 5 characters, or even less. There are many URL shortening servers available online, offering the same. URL shortening helps in many ways, like it makes the address easier to remember, send as a text message, or print on a small business card, etc. This is a really vital and convenient part of the web industry today.

Most of the URL shorteners are free. But, some of them costs a few amount of money too. The address they give, is a direct address to your actual website. A lot of URL shorteners is available online, but some of the 10 best URL shortener ones are mentioned below, with some cool features, each uniquely offers. Let’s try them and make your long URL’s small for better results.

Best URL Shorteners:

Let’s have quick look at the list of Best URL Shorteners.

Googl URL Shortener:

Best-URL-Shorteners URL Shortener:


TinyCC URL Shortener Service:

Free URL Shortener Service

XCO URL Shortener:

URL Shorteners

BCVC URL Shortener:


Bitly URL Shortener:


Dftba URL Shortener:


Viral URL Shortener:


Bitdo URL Shortener:


vgd URL Shortener:


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  1. JosephBAF February 27, 2025
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